Bad River Casino Karaoke Contest
The Bad River Reservation was established by the 1854 Treaty of Lapointe with the U.S. Government and was sited along the beautiful shores of Lake Superior and Chequamegon bay. This treaty was finalized on September 30, 1854 at Lapointe on Madeline Island, longtime capital and cultural/religious center of the Ojibwe AKA Chippewa Nation. The Bad River Tribe Aims To Work Toward a More Progressive, Financially Stable Government, To Maintain Tribal Sovereignty; and Enable Members to Progress Individually, Towards a More Fulfilling Life Culturally, Spiritually, and Economically. Casino with slots and blackjack; 50-room lodge; rustic restaurant or all-you-can-eat buffet; catering for meeting, dinner and party events for up to 200 guests.
- Saturdays through mid-October,
- Ashland Area Farmer’s Market, Saturdays, 8am-12pm, on Chapple Ave, in front of Black Cat and Ashland Baking Company, with modified rules and regulations in place to keep us all safe and healthy. Check them out on Facebook or visit
- Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center–Lots to do and see at the Center. Walking trail, exhibits and scenic tower. Visit their website for a complete schedule of events and activities for the whole family.
- Vaughn Public Library – It’s not just books anymore. Visit their website for a complete schedule of events and happenings for the entire family. Kids Crafts, Pizza & Pages, Lunchtime Book Brunch and more. 715-682-7060.
- Saturdays, mid-May – August Stock Car Races at ABC Raceway, 2187 Butterworth Rd. For more information, call 715-682-4990, or visit
- Lost Creek Adventures, 22475 Hwy. 13, Cornucopia. Stand Up Paddleboard Clinics and Shipwreck/snorkeling tours continue! For more information, call 715-953-2223 or visit
- Casual Group Ride on Monday nights at 6pm. Meet at Bay City Cycles, 412 W Main St. Bike needed, rentals are available at Bay City Cycles (please arrive early to do so). Helmets required. Sponsored by Bay City Cycles. For more information, call 715-682-2091 or visit Facebook Casual Group Rides
- BINGO every Tuesday night, 7pm at Our Lady of the Lake Church, 106 n 2nd Ave East. Bingo is played in the basement and is open to the public. Excluding Holidays or during the Holy Week. For more information, call 715-682-7620.
- Ashland Parks and Rec.715-682-7059. Activities will be starting in July for the kids.Baseball, Tball, Little Girls Softball, Gymnastics, Summer Camps, Clinics, Tennis, Pickleball and Rec & Read in the Park. Here is a link to their brochure
- Recreation and Fitness Resources Bayfield 715-779-5408. Phase 2 begins July 1! Will begin opening the pool for lap swim and are offering classes at the Bayfield Pavilion on Tuesdays and Thursdays! For more information go to
- The Fat Bike Safaris will be starting up again on Sundays around 1pm. Starting May 24. How this ride works- Anyone interested in the weekly rides should submit their email to me ( asking to be on the Fat Bike Safari List. I will post the ride information once a week usually Friday night or Saturday morning. Rides are all over the area and are usually best for fat bikes due to sand, snow, mud, etc. The ride is a no-drop but we do not worry about anyone’s speed or ability as long as you can move forward!! Typically the ride will break up in different groups with the lead riders going back and making sure everyone is OK and following the route. After the ride we commonly meet at a restaurant/tavern for refreshments. Right now you will obviously bring your own refreshments and we will have a location with plenty of room to sit and “recharge” after the ride.
- Washburn Cultural Center 715-373-5591. Now open by appointment only, Wednesday through Saturday, between the hours of 1 – 5pm. Visitors wishing to see the recent works of Wei Lan & Milt Lorder and Steve Cotherman, shop in our newly remodeled store, or tour the Washburn Historical Museum should call 715-373-5591 or e-mail us at to make an appointment. Masks are required. Here is a link to our web page with a virtual tour of the new art exhibit.
August Events
- 08/01/2020
Cancelled – 74th Annual Edward “Bud” Williams Kids’ Fishing Party – sponsored by the North Wisconsin Rod & Gun Club, Ashland. Starts at 8am. Held at Kreher Park. Registration the day of the party starting at 8am. Bring your own poles. Free food, refreshments and prizes! 262-689-0526 - 08/01/2020
Cancelled – Annual Power of the Purse for Chequamegon Humane Association at the Neighborly Bar, 1301 Main Street West. 100’s of purses, Garden Raffle and the Cat Can Raffle. 715-682-9908. - 08/01/2020
Cancelled – Pointe to La Pointe Open Water Swim to Madeline Island. Swimming to Madeline Island has been a storied feat around the Bayfield area for decades. The Pointe to La Pointe has grown into a thriving race that sells out annually at 500 swimmers. Race start at 7:20am from Madeline Island. First approximate arrival time of racers 8:05am. For more information or to register, call 715-779-5408 or visit - 08/01/2020
Birkie Lumberjack 5k run/walk at 8am. Start & Finish at Lumberjack Bowl on the shores of Lake Hayward. T-shirts, costumes contest, prizes and more! Register now! For more information call 715-634-5025 or visit 08/01/2020
ABC Raceway Races: Heartland Communications Night at the Races & Hornet’s Nest presented by Lake Shore Cafe. Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road.Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:15pm. Racing- 7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm. For more information, go to
North Coast Cycling Association’s Madeline Island Free Family/Group Bike Ride at 10:30am at the LaPointe ferry dock. For more information, call Joe at 715-373-2114 or visit 08/02/2020
Cancelled – Chequamegon Bay Golf Club Adult/Jr Day Tournament. 715-682-8004. - 8/03-06/2020
Ashland Parks & Recs Summer Camps. Camps will run 9am-3pm Monday – Thursday for children ages 6-11. Each week will be a different theme. This weeks theme Harry Potter Camp at Prentice Park. Bring sturdy shoes and water bottle. Wands, Potions, and magical creatures – Oh my! Enjoy Harry Potter themed crafts, games and activities with your magic friends. Fee applies. To register go to - 08/06-09/2020
Virtual – Bayfield County Fair, After reviewing all the information available and with the input received to date, the committee decided that “Due to public health concerns, they will cancel a traditional, in-person County Fair with the intention to have a Virtual Fair in 2020.” This action will now go to the full county board for review, discussion and action on May 26, 2020. – North Main St., Iron River. Live music, face painting, hypnosis show, petting zoo, kid’s tractor pull, bull riding, and so much more! For more information, registration, or fees, call 715-373-6125 ext. 7, or visit - 08/07-08/2020
Ashland Downtown Days – Sidewalk Sales and Car Show Downtown Summer Celebration. Car show, Saturday August 8, 9am-1pm. Click here for Car Sow registration form. - 08/07-08/2020
Cancelled – 40th Annual Grand View Firehouse 50 Road Race, sponsored by the Grand View Fire Department at 10am. The Firehouse 50 race is on blacktop roads winding through the pristine Chequamegon National Forest around Lake Namakagon and Lake Owen. It passes through the townships of Grand View, Namakagon, Cable and Drummond. Saturday: Pancake Breakfast, Firehouse 50 Bike Race, Music, Kids Games and Dinner. Sunday: Pancake Breakfast, 2 mile and 15K run, Kids Games, Flag Raising, Music and Raffle. For more information or to register, call 715-763-3333 or visit 08/08/2020
ABC Raceway Races: Ashland Ford Chrysler MidMod Summer Series Pt 3 presented by Lake Shore Cafe. Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road.Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:15pm. Racing- 7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm. For more information, go to 08/08/2020
Cancelled – Cornucopia Day, a celebration of hope. Fun starts at 9am. Flea market, Brats and beer for sale, fish on a stick, parade and more. All proceeds benefit the South shore ambulance and the Cornucopia fire department. For complete schedule Contact for general information Information for flea Market - 08/08-09/2020
Chequamegon Bay Golf Club Championship, 3000 Golf Course Rd. Starting at 9am. For more information call 715-682-8004. - 08/09/2020
Butternut Pig & Corn Roast. For more information, call 715-769-3680 or visit - 8/10-13/2020
Ashland Parks & Recs Summer Camps. Camps will run 9am-3pm Monday – Thursday for children ages 6-11. Each week will be a different theme. This weeks theme Water Wonderland at Prentice Park. Bring sturdy shoes and water bottle. Bring your swim suit and sunscreen, we are going to have fun in the sun. Swimming, water games and boating are just a few of the fun activities this week. Fee applies. To register go to - 08/11/2020
Bayfield County Clean Sweep, 2-7pm at Iron River Community Center, 8275 E Mill St, Iron River. Get rid of your hazardous waste safely! 715-373-6104. - 08/12/2020
Ashland County Clean Sweep, 2-7pm at WITC Campus, 2100 Beaser Ave. Get rid of your hazardous waste safely! 715-682-7017. - 08/14/2020
PetPelouze series No. 1 for CHA. 3-8pm at the Neighborly Bar. Due to COVID we are doing a series of smaller purse/Garden Raffles. Each series will be different and unique. Weather permitting it will be an outdoor event. Do not need to be present to win. A lot of instant winners. Cat Cans, Grab and Go, Silent Auction, Purse and Garden Raffle. Regular Raffle Tickets are 40 for $20; 80 for $30; Or 300 numbered tickets for $100. The cat cans are $10 and everyone is a winner, the silent auction will be high end purses and watches and the grab and go will be purses accessorized out and they are $50 each and you can take one right then if you want it for $50. First come first to go with these. Everything will be outdoors as the weather looks good. Do not have to be present for the raffle items,drawing at 8pm. If rain Will be indoors but we have the tents from the chamber so should we should be OK. Next one Possibly 3 to 4 weeks from now. - 08/13-16/2020
Cancelled – Ashland County Fair, County Fairgrounds, Marengo. Midway rides, races, horse show, truck pull, music, and much more. For more information, call 715-682-3742 or visit - 08/14-16/2020
Cancelled – Butternut Community Fair, and cancer awareness event at the Butternut Park, Hwy 13. Crafts, garden entries, baskets, meals, prizes, games, food and fun for the whole family! For more information, email or call 715-769-3550. - 08/15/2020
Madeline Island Sand Castle Day at Big Bay State Park. 715-747-2801 - 08/15/2020
Cancelled – Clam Lake Annual Brat Feed, ATV Club. For more information 715-794-2298. 08/15/2020
ABC Raceway Races: Bad River Lodge & Casino presents the Northern Renegade Sprints. Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road.Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:15pm. Racing- 7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm. For more information, go to 08/16/2020
Glidden’s Annual Brat Feed at “Fire & Rescue Hall” Downtown. For more information visit - 8/17-20/2020
Ashland Parks & Recs Summer Camps. Camps will run 9am-3pm Monday – Thursday for children ages 6-11. Each week will be a different theme. This weeks theme Theater Camp at Prentice Park. Bring sturdy shoes and water bottle. Spice up the summer with a little theater. This week we will be dancing, singing, crafting, reading and writing plays s well as having a blast participating in the fun camp activities. Fee applies. To register go to - 08/20/2020
Ashland Chamber Field Day, Golf Tournament. Field Day Registration Form. For more information or to register, call the Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce at 715-682-2500. - 08/21-23-2020
Gun and Knife Show at the Bay Area Civic Center, 320 4th Ave. W. August 23 from 3-8pm and August 24 from 9am-4pm. Guns on display and for sale. For more information, call Ray at 715-292-8415. - 08/22/2020
Cancelled – Justin Donner Fisheree at Donner’s Bay on the Turtle Flambeau Flowage, 7am-4pm. For more information, visit or call 715-762-2956. 08/22/2020
ABC Raceway Races: Northern WI Fence Summer Blast presented by Outlaw Wraps & Apparel. Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road.Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:15pm. Racing- 7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm. For more information, go to 08/23/2020
Lumber Empire Senior Tournament at Chequamegon Bay Golf Club, 3000 Golf Course Rd. For more information call 715-682-8004. 08/29/2020
ABC Raceway Races: Mt Dew Championship Saturday presented by WIMI. Raceway located at 2187 Butterworth Road.Regular season races on Saturday night. Hot Laps- 6:15pm. Racing- 7pm. Grandstand opens at 5pm. For more information, go to 08/30/2020
Lost Creek Adventures, 22475 Hwy. 13, Cornucopia, presents ACA Kayak Rolling Instructor Endorsement. For more information, call 715-953-2223 or visit - 08/31/2020
Lost Creek Adventures, 22475 Hwy. 13, Cornucopia, presents ACA Costal Kayak Instructor Update Level 1-3. For more information, call 715-953-2223 or visit
2019 Events
67th Flambeau Rama at the Festival Grounds located at 310 5th St N in Park Falls. Four days of live music! Expanded food court, Gun Show/ Sports Show, pooch pageant, silent auction, rod casting contest, chalk drawing contest, cardboard boat regatta, family fun day games, arts and crafts fair, 5K road run, kids races, car show, flea market, parade and more! For more information visit or call 715-762-2703. - TBD
10th Annual Port Wing Plein Air Painting Festival. Thurs-Sat, 3-7pm & Sun 10am-1pm. - TBD
Vaughn Public Library- Downtown Days Art Tent & Book Nook, 10am-1pm on Main St. For more information, call 715-682-7060. - TBD
Chequamegon Bay Concert Band is having a concert at 5pm in Otis Park. (Park next to Burger Barn). In case of rain, concert will be moved to the Northland College, Alvord Theatre. For more information call 715-682-2500. - TBD
Copper Falls State Park- Yoga in the Park! 9am, meet at Loon Lake Beach. For more information, call 715-274-5123. - TBD
Ashland’s Beautification Council’s Garden Tour and Plant Fundraiser, 9am-12pm, Information and plant booth near Otis Park (next to Burger Barn). We have 14 great residential gardens on the tour along with guided tours of H. Pearson Plaza! Maps will be available on the day of the event for a $5 suggested donation. Plants are available at our booth. All funds raised will go back into the gardens around that the City of the Ashland Beautification Council volunteers help maintain. - TBD
Free Bike Maintenance Class “Fix-a-Flat” at 10am at Bay City Cycles, 412 W Main St. RSVP by 5pm on Friday on Eventbrite as seating may be limited. Sponsored by Bay City Cycles and North Coast Cycling Association. For more information, call 715-682-2091. - TBD
Ice Cream Social from 11am-1pm at the Ashland Historical Society Museum, 216 Main Street West. - TBD
Chequamegon Food Coop Summer Bash! 11am-1pm. FREE! Celebrate the flavors of summer with a cookout in the Co-op parking lot. Don’t miss out on this community party featuring food, music, activities, and more! We’ll also be commemorating the completion of the Co-op mural. 715-682-8251. - TBD
Stagecoach Bar & Grill, Ashland’s Annual East End Arts & Music Festival, 300 Block of Main Street East. Starting at 3pm. Food, Drink, Music, Art, Fun and Games!Music with Hoff Stevens, Nolander & Floydian Slip. For more information, call 845-721-4729. - TBD
Herbster Community Club “Corn & Brat Fest,” at the Historic Log Gym, 86870 Lenawee Rd, Herbster, from 12-5pm. For more information, visit - TBD
Copper Falls State Park- Music in the Park at 6pm. Come on out to the park to enjoy an evening of fun and music with Poppa Bear Norton! The award winning, high octane, two man country western band is coming to Copper Falls! You won’t want to miss the duo as they perform for you with all the energy, humor, and storytelling that has made country western music great. Copper Falls will come alive with the dynamic songs from this group known as “America’s Daredevil Country Music Duo.” For more information, call 715-274-5123. - TBD
Creative building with Legos at the Central Rail Yard Building from 1-3pm! Creative building with legos for ages 6-12yrs. Cost: $30. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
Vaughn Public Library- Farm Fresh Food For Fines: fines collected during this time go directly to the Ashland Farmers Market EBT match program. For more information, call 715-682-7060. - TBD
Vaughn Public Library- Story Stretcher Art from 9:30-11:30 am. For more information, call 715-682-7060. - TBD
Thrivent Financial- Grill Master Dave will be cooking in the back yard, so join us anytime throughout the evening for complementary dinner and lawn games! 4-7pm, 623 Main St E. For more information, call 715-685-0605. - TBD
Lets Be Crafty at the Bretting Community Center! Starts at 5pm. Ages 8 and up. Cost: $5 per drop in. $25 for all advanced sign up. August 6th is Footprints in the sand and Ocean Art with Baking Soda. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
Bayfield Concerts by the Lake presents Hot Pink Hangover (Alternative Pop Rock), Memorial Park, 15 Front Street, Bayfield, WI 54814, at 7pm, weather permitting. If it rains, it will relocate to the Madeline Island Ferry Terminal on Washington Avenue, Bayfield. These concerts are free and open to the public. Bring your own lawn chair or blankets. For more information, call 715-779-3335, or visit - TBD
Activity Time presented by Ashland Parks and Recs, in the Central Railyard Concessions Building, behind the Bretting Community Center. ‘Silly Scientists’ Tuesdays at 10:30-11:15 am, ages 3-6 years. Cost per class-$20. For more information call, 715-682-7059. - TBD
Northland College Summer Programs presents, “Forest Lodge Tour” from 9-11am. For more information visit - TBD
Ashland Parks and Rec presents, “Rec and Read” at Prentice Park from 9:30-11am. Explore Ashland’s playgrounds, check out books, listen to a story, and play games. open to children of all ages for free! Rain Location: Bretting Community Center Gym. Parents must chaperone. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
Yoga in the Park- Session 2! Join yoga instructor Rachel, Wednesdays this summer at Bayview Park for a great yoga workout. From 6:15-7:30pm. Cost: $45. Register through Ashland Parks and Recreation. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
The Garland City Consort will be playing at 7pm at the Ashland Methodist Church, 601 3rd Ave W, Ashland. 715-331-8111. - TBD
Chequamegon Food Coop presents Wellness Wednesday All Day. FREE! MEET & GREET – Stop by to learn more about local wellness products and services. Local wellness product makers and practitioners will be in-store throughout the day. Owners also receive 10% off wellness products. 715-682-8251. - TBD
Vaughn Public Library- Teen Writing Club from 4:30-6:30 pm. For more information, call 715-682-7060. - TBD
Atmospheres: Cloudscapes and Calligraphy exhibit on display at the Washburn Cultural Center. For more information, call 715-373-5591. - TBD
Activity Time presented by Ashland Parks and Recs, in the Central Railyard Concessions Building, behind the Bretting Community Center. ‘Get Messy Munchkins’ Thursdays at 10:30-11:15 am, ages 3-6 years. Cost per class-$20. For more information call, 715-682-7059. - TBD
Free Bike Maintenance Class “Drivetrain Maintenance” at 10am at Bay City Cycles, 412 W Main St. RSVP by 5pm on Friday on Eventbrite as seating may be limited. Sponsored by Bay City Cycles and North Coast Cycling Association. For more information, call 715-682-2091. - TBD
Post 25 American Legion & Scholarship Golf Tournament, 10am at the Apostle Highland Golf Course. In support of the 2019 Veterans Pow Wow and Continuing Education Scholarships. For more information, call 715-581-7395. - TBD
Chequamegon Archery Club Jim Kouba Memorial Metric 900, 3501 McDonald Rd., Ashland, at 10am. Shotgun start. $10 for adults, 18 and under are $5. For more information contact Jim Rau 715-292-2998. - TBD
Boogie in the Barn, CAMBA (Cable Area Mountain Bike Association) Gala fundraising event, from 5-10pm at the Sylvandale Barn, at the residence of Matt and Kim Dale on Round Lake School Road near Hayward. For more information, visit - TBD
Annual Veterans Family Picnic from 11am-3pm at Northwest Rod & Gun Club on Reykdal Rd, Ashland 2nd Landing. Fun, food and music! For more information, call 716-682-4222. - TBD
Miraculous Mission Vacation Bible Camp at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 701 Vaughn Ave, from 5:30-7:30pm. Children will learn about God’s mission through interactive and fun lessons, songs, crafts, and games. Miraculous Mission VBS is free to children of all ages. Free. For more information visit or call 715-682-3293. - TBD
Ashland Parks and Rec presents, “Rec and Read” at Beaser Park from 9:30-11am. Explore Ashland’s playgrounds, check out books, listen to a story, and play games. open to children of all ages for free! Rain Location: Bretting Community Center Gym. Parents must chaperone. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
Copper Falls State Park-Naturalist Program at Copper Falls presents “Birding and Nature” (family-friendly hike) at 2pm. Meet at the trailhead south of the beach parking lot. For more information, call 715-274-5123. - TBD
Chequamegon Food Coop’s Third Thursday Community Meal 4-8pm. Dinner – Meal starts at 5pm. A made-from-scratch meal from our Deli for only $5. Meal includes an entree with one or two sides (depending on menu). Eat in or take out! 715-682-8251. - TBD
Copper Falls State Park- Naturalist Program at Copper Falls presents “Discover Loon Lake: Bog Exploration” (paddle) at 2pm. Sign up at the park office by noon, meet at the park office. For more information, call 715-274-5123 - TBD
Northland College Summer Programs presents, “Wolf Ecology & Conservation Certification Course” from 6pm Friday-2pm Sunday. For more information visit - TBD
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center- Whoo Goes Bump in the Night walk. 7-9pm, Learn about your nocturnal neighbors in the cast of the moon shadow on the boardwalk trail at the Center! Groups will be guided through the trail. Doors will open at 6:45pm. This event is free, family friendly, and open to the public. No registration required. Fore more information, call 715-682-9983. - TBD
Northland College Summer Programs presents, “Wolf Ecology & Conservation Certification Weekend” - TBD
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center- Snap Shot Day. 8:30am-1pm @ Multipurpose Room. Come join the fun as part of a statewide event! On Aquatic Invasive Species Snapshot day, we will teach you how to identify several aquatic invasive species. Then we will go out into the field and have some fun sampling at local boat landings and streams. Contact for more information. Register at - TBD
Big Bay State Park’s Annual Sandcastle Day, on Madeline Island. Registration is at 9am. Judging will be at noon. Prizes awarded. For more information, call 715-747-6425. - TBD
Free Bike Maintenance Class “Shifting” at 10am at Bay City Cycles, 412 W Main St. RSVP by 5pm on Friday on Eventbrite as seating may be limited. Sponsored by Bay City Cycles and North Coast Cycling Association. For more information, call 715-682-2091. - TBD
Back to School Giveaway!! At Thrivent Financial, 623 Main St E in Ashland, from 10am-12pm. Rain location: Bretting Center, 400 4th Ave W. Giving away backpacks, school supplies, and gym shoes. First come, first served (while supplies last). Children must be present to receive items. Hosted by Superior Shores Team- Thrivent Financial and the Sole Purpose. For more information, call 715-685-0605. - TBD
Copper Falls State Park- Naturalist Programs at Copper Falls presents “Discover Loon Lake: Loon Ecology” (for kids) at 1pm. Meet at the beach with your own chair or blanket. For more information, call 715-274-5123. - TBD
Chequamegon Archery Club Fall Festival, 3501 McDonald Rd., Ashland. Raffle games from 3-7pm, drawings start at 7pm. For more info email or Facebook message @ Chequamegon Archery Club. - TBD
Anishinaabe Culture Days at the Madeline Island Museum. With Ojibwe artists, musicians, and living history reenactors, this event will feature Ojibwe music, art, demonstrations, and exhibits. For more information call 715-747-2415 or email - TBD
Herbster Studio Art Tour from 10am-4pm. The 2019 Art Tour is a very special chance to see both nationally and regionally acclaimed weaver, painters, woodcarvers, quilters, jewelers, printmakers, ceramic artists, and fiber artists. Artists will open their galleries and home studios, showcasing a wide diversity of artistic talent. For more information visit - TBD
Dairy Day on the Farm at Tetzners Dairy, Washburn, 11am-2pm. The event is free and open to all that would enjoy learning more about the dairy industry. Cookout style lunch, Little Farm Hands a hands on learn station, kids bags, ice cream, root beer floats, and a robot milking the cows! All milk and ice cream served is collected and processed at this dairy! It will be a fantastic food and learning day! Questions contact Peter at 715-682-0176 - TBD
Ashland County Fair Idol, 1-6pm, at the Ashland County Fair Grounds. Ages 11-18 and 18 & older. Cash Prizes and Gift Bags. To sign up contact Denise Rude 715-682-2774. - TBD
Lets Be Crafty at the Bretting Community Center! Starts at 5pm. Ages 8 and up. Cost: $5 per drop in. $25 for all advanced sign up. August 20th is Squirt Gun Painting. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
55+ Health Expo, at the Bay Area Civic Center, 320 W. 4th Ave., from 9am-2pm. For more information, call 715-685-5181. - TBD
Ashland Parks and Rec presents, “Rec and Read” at Kreher Park from 9:30-11am. Explore Ashland’s playgrounds, check out books, listen to a story, and play games. open to children of all ages for free! Rain Location: Bretting Community Center Gym. Parents must chaperone. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
Vaughn Public Library- Teen Writing Club from 4:30-6:30 pm. For more information, call 715-682-7060. - TBD
The Annual Ashland County Cleansweep- Household Hazardous Waste Collection. From 3-7pm at WITC-Ashland Campus (south parking lot). The Extension Ashland County Community Development Educator, Lissa Radke, will be partnering with Northerst Regional Planning Commission to put on this event. For more information, call 715-682-7017 or visit - TBD
Odanah Manomin Celebration & Pow Wow at the Pow Wow Grounds. Manomin or, wild rice, is an integral part of Ojibwe history and the Bad River Tribe celebrates the growth and harvest of this natural staple with traditional dancing, singing, canoe races, marathons, and plenty of food. For more information, call 715-682-7111. - TBD
Chequamegon Archery Club 30 Target 3-D Shoot, Registration 8am-4pm, 3501 McDonald Rd., Ashland. - TBD
Music in the Park at Copper Falls State Park in Mellen. For more information, call 715-274-5123. - TBD
Back to School Bash Saturday at 12-2pm. Free! But first come, first served. Party– Get ready to go back to school with this activity for the whole family! Check out samples of lunchbox friendly foods (and get the recipes). Free Co-op reusable lunch bags for first 100 kids! 715-682-8251. - TBD
Youth Hike sponsored by the National Country Trail Association. 1-4pm. Meet hike leader, Cheryl Trieschmann, at the Lake Three Campground parking area on Mineral Lake Road, (FR 187) where participants will hike east in search of plants, animals, bugs, and birds. You never know what you may find during a walk in the woods! Cheryl plans on making this in and out hike a fun learning adventure. Appropriate for teens and pre-teens. Parents and interested adults are also welcome. For more information contact Kevin Schram, President, at 715-765-4789 or email - TBD
Legendary Waters Resort and Casino presents, “Legendary Cribbage Tournament”. Registration starts at 3pm. Play begins at 5pm. For more information, call 800-226-8478 or visit - TBD
Bad River Lodge & Casino Presents- “Groove Inc.” a high energy variety band with 5 amazing versatile musicians- Free Admission, doors open at 8pm, music starts at 9pm. For more information, call 715-682-7121. - TBD
WITC- Ashland classes start. For more information, call 715-682-4591. - TBD
Mellen Rock Climbing, Gilman Park & Loon Lake Swimming from 11am-3pm for youth in grades 2nd-6th organized by Extension Ashland County along with our 4-H Teen Ambassadors & Volunteers. Registration required, call 715-682-7017. - TBD
Babysitters Training at the Bretting Community Center from 9am-12pm. This course is 11-15 yr olds who want the knowledge, skills, confidence, and certification to care for infants through school-ages children. Participants will learn the basics of First Aid and Child/Infant CPR. Cost: $40/Residents. $45/Non-residents. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center presents, National Public Lands Day from 8:30am-12:30pm @ Theater and Multipurpose Room. If interested in volunteering for the planting activity, call Susan Nelson at 715-685-2644. - TBD
Ashland Parks and Rec presents, “Rec and Read” at Central Railyard Park from 9:30-11am. Explore Ashland’s playgrounds, check out books, listen to a story, and play games. open to children of all ages for free! Rain Location: Bretting Community Center Gym. Parents must chaperone. For more information, call 715-682-7059. - TBD
Free Bike Maintenance Class “Brakes” at 10am at Bay City Cycles, 412 W Main St. RSVP by 5pm on Friday on Eventbrite as seating may be limited. Sponsored by Bay City Cycles and North Coast Cycling Association. For more information, call 715-682-2091. - TBD
Come See! “A Photographic Mission to Explore the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore” 4pm at the National Park Headquarters, Bayfield. Witness what happens when a small team of photographers work to capture spectacular 24 hour images from remote corners of the Apostle Islands, and then use them in an effort to protect the Park for future generations. Their program includes their iconic lighthouses and milky way, scenes from Devils and Stockton, and the unveiling of this year’s special release. Questions contact - TBD
Legendary Waters Resort and Casino- Lakefront Summer Celebration! Featuring live performances by Dan Petty and the Heart Shakers, The System: The Bob Seger Tribute. Free admission! For more information, call (800) 226 – 8478 or visit
Visit Ticket Master to purchase tickets to any entertainment event at Twin River.
Upcoming Events
Sat, Apr 3, 2021 8:00pm
Blood, Sweat & Tears
Blood, Sweat & Tears
Saturday, April 3, 2021 8:00pm
This event has been rescheduled to April 3, 2021. Tickets for the previous date will be honored. If you would like a refund, they can be found at the point of purchase.
No one can argue BS&T invented a new style of music.
Blood, Sweat & Tears is not the first band to ever use a horn section, but they are the first to fuse it with rock, jazz, and some blues thrown in for good measure.
From the first ensemble in the late sixties practicing in a loft on Bleeker Street in New York’s Greenwich Village and having crowds clapping on the street below between songs, founding member and drummer Bobby Colomby knew they were on the right course. Since then, the band has never stopped touring for over 50 years.

Bad River Casino Karaoke Contest 2020
The first Blood, Sweat & Tears album, “Child is Father to the Man”, was released to little fan fair. After band member changes and replacing a lead singer, the second album self-named “Blood Sweat & Tears” was a success, rising to the top of the charts for 7 weeks and yielding 3 top 5 singles. The album received the Grammy Award for “Album of the Year” in 1970 beating out the Beatles’ “Abby Road”. That album went on to earn quadruple Platinum status with sales well over 4 million units.
Blood Sweat & Tears went on to receive 10 Grammy nominations and won 3. Other prestigious awards and recognitions include: The Playboy Jazz & Pop award, the “Blood, Sweat & Tears” 1969 album induction into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2002, and in 2008 they were recognized as an Honorary Ambassador of Peace Republic of Korea.
Blood Sweat & Tears has had many configurations over its 50 plus years of touring but one thing for sure is that the music is timeless, and fans are never disappointed. BS&T tours with the greatest musicians available, stars in their own right (most coming off major tours with other artists).
Please enjoy the show.
×Fri, Apr 23, 2021 8:00pm
TBD Melissa Etheridge
TBD Melissa Etheridge
Friday, April 23, 2021 8:00pm
This event has been postponed due to recent events. Please hold on to your tickets, as we are trying to find a new date for this show. If you would like a refund, they can be found at the point of purchase.
Melissa Etheridge stormed onto the American rock scene in 1988 with the release of her critically acclaimed self-titled debut album, which led to an appearance on the 1989 Grammy Awards show. For several years, her popularity grew around such memorable originals as “Bring Me Some Water,” “No Souvenirs” and “Ain’t It Heavy,” for which she won a Grammy® in 1992. Etheridge hit her commercial and artistic stride with her fourth album, Yes I Am (1993). The collection featured the massive hits, “I’m the Only One” and “Come to My Window,” a searing song of longing that brought Etheridge her second Grammy® Award for Best Female Rock Performance. In 1995, Etheridge issued her highest charting album, Your Little Secret, which was distinguished by the hit single, “I Want to Come Over.” Her astounding success that year led to Etheridge receiving the Songwriter of the Year honor at the ASCAP Pop Awards in 1996.
Known for her confessional lyrics and raspy, smoky vocals, Etheridge has remained one of America’s favorite female singer-songwriters for more than two decades. In February 2007, Melissa Etheridge celebrated a career milestone with a victory in the “Best Song” category at the Academy® Awards for “I Need to Wake Up,” written for the Al Gore documentary on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth. As a performer and songwriter, Etheridge has shown herself to be an artist who has never allowed “inconvenient truths” to keep her down. Earlier in her recording career, Etheridge acknowledged her sexual orientation when it was considered less than prudent to do so. In October 2004, Etheridge was diagnosed with breast cancer, a health battle that, with her typical tenacity, she won. Despite losing her hair from chemotherapy, Etheridge appeared on the 2005 Grammy® telecast to sing “Piece of My Heart” in tribute to Janis Joplin. By doing so she gave hope to many women afflicted with the disease.
On October 7, 2016 Melissa Etheridge released Memphis Rock & Soul, her first album since 2014’s critically lauded This Is M.E. Recorded at Royal Studios in Memphis, the album received stellar reviews from the likes of Entertainment Weekly, Parade, Rolling Stone, American Songwriter and more. She followed that up with the release of The Medicine Show in April, 2019. For The Medicine Show, Melissa reunited with celebrated producer John Shanks and sounds as rousing as ever, bringing a new level of artistry to her 15th studio recording. The Medicine Show deals with universal themes of renewal, reconciliation, reckoning, compassion and, most profoundly, healing.
×Sat, Jun 26, 2021 8:00pm
Chaka Khan
Chaka Khan
Saturday, June 26, 2021 8:00pm
This event has been rescheduled to June 26, 2021. Tickets for the previous date will be honored. If you would like a refund, they can be found at the point of purchase.
Chaka Khan, one of the world’s most gifted and celebrated music icons.
During her legendary career, Chaka has released 22 albums and racked up ten Number One songs on the Billboard charts, seven RIAA-certified gold singles and ten RIA-certified gold and platinum albums. Chaka’s recordings have resulted in more than 2,000 catalog song placements. “I am so humbled by the love, support and gracious spirit of my fans worldwide and the continuous support my peers have shown over the years.”, says Chaka.
Still at the height of her astounding vocal powers, Chaka Khan is creating new projects and earning new honors. Her latest single “Like Sugar” has earned high marks from tastemakers; the track is from her brand-new-album-length project “Hello Happiness”, released in February 2019. In addition, Chaka is making history once again, as she has been named the Grand Marshal of the 2019 Tournament of Roses Parade, making her not only the first African American Grand Marshal in the traditional New Year’s Day celebration’s 130-year history, but the first Grand Marshal to perform during the parade.
×Fri, Jul 23, 2021 8:00pm
Friday, July 23, 2021 8:00pm
This event has been rescheduled to July 23, 2021. Tickets for the previous date will be honored. If you would like a refund, they can be found at the point of purchase.
One of the greatest legacies in music history can be summed up by just three letters—TLC.
Those characters merely hint at the talent of Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins, Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas, and the late Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, but they immediately evoke an unparalleled journey nonetheless. That journey encompasses immortal anthems such as “Waterfalls,” “Creep,” “No Scrubs,” and “Unpretty,” to name a few, as well as sales of 70 million records worldwide, four GRAMMY® Awards, two RIAA diamond-certified albums among a total of four multiplatinum albums, ten Top 10 singles, and four Number 1 singles. Meanwhile, the VH1 original film CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story chronicled their rise and broke records as the highest-rated television film premiere of 2013 and the highest-rated original premiere on the network between consistent touring
Given the legacy behind this timeless moniker, it’s fitting the undisputed “best-selling American girl-group of all-time” chose the name TLC for their fifth and first album in 15 years. Countless fans quite literally “demanded” a new TLC album in 2015. Unassumingly, the girls launched a Kickstarter campaign to simply gauge interest. What they got was an overwhelming and seismic groundswell of support. Fans worldwide—including Katy Perry, New Kids On The Block, Donnie Wahlberg, Bette Midler, —enthusiastically contributed to this next chapter. Raising over $400,000, it became the “fastest and most funded pop project in Kickstarter history.”
TLC went as hard as ever in the booth. As a result, the music picks up exactly where they left off just sharper, smarter, sassier, and even a little sexier than before. The same inimitable chemistry simultaneously drives all twelve tracks, which shot the album straight to the #1 spot on the Billboard Top 100 Chart.
At the end of the day, it’s TLC through and through, and there’s nothing more CrazySexyCool than that.
×Fri, Aug 20, 2021 8:00pm
Keith Sweat
Keith Sweat
Friday, August 20, 2021 8:00pm

This event has been rescheduled to August 20, 2021.
Tickets for the previous dates will be honored. If you would like a refund, they can be found at the point of purchase.
Keith Sweat is a Harlem, N.Y born songwriter / record producer/ vocalist / actor / radio personality, with a career that spans 24 years of record-breaking and trailblazing contributions to the Pop and R&B genre. He is coined the genius behind the New Jack Swing phenomenon of the late 1980s. Keith Sweat’s timely transition to the R&B mecca of Atlanta in 1992 added “label impresario” to his roster of talents. Keith has dominated the Pop and R&B worlds with an indefinable presence. His debut and now classic album Make It Last Forever sold more than three million copies, producing four R&B hit singles, including “I Want Her,” which also landed at #5 on the Pop charts. The album stats also include a nomination for the 1989 Soul Train Best R&B/Urban Contemporary Song of the Year award. Keith Sweat has delivered five straight #1 albums, selling a worldwide total of 25 million records. His self-titled 1996 effort, Keith Sweat, gained quadruple platinum status. His critically acclaimed collaboration with fellow superstars Gerald Levert and Johnny Gill on the double-platinum LSG, was launched a decade after he first landed in the music business.

He has thrived as one of Atlanta’s first record industry moguls, building his own recording studio and discovering new artists such as Silk and Kut Klose – signing both multi-platinum groups to his Keia Record label. Sweat has become one of Atlanta’s leading mentors for young talent, its principle purveyor of R&B music. The unflappable Sweat points to his consistency as the key to his success and achievement of a dozen top ten R&B singles including seven #1’s, four top five Pop singles and frequenting Billboards Top Charts.
After being named Favorite Male R&B/Soul Artist by the American Music Awards in 1997, Sweat celebrated his longevity with his 1998’s aptly titled album, Still in the Game. His 2008 album Just Me made waves on radio and at cash registers and endorsed his claims to remain “in the game”. Keith released his tenth studio album Ridin Solo in 2010. This multi-talented artist masters his craft and expounds upon various interests that keep him fresh in the public’s eye. The state of Georgia authenticated Keith Sweat’s extraordinary talent in the music business with a coveted induction into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in 2008.
He has appeared on both the Martin show and the Wayans Brothers show, among others, and has starred in a handful of independent movies. Keith Sweat’s initiation into the realty show craze, Keith Sweat’s Platinum House, yielded #1 ranking on the Centric network – of which, he was Creator and Executive Producer.
Keith Sweat is a Harlem, N.Y born songwriter / record producer/ vocalist / actor / radio personality, with a career that spans 24 years of record-breaking and trailblazing contributions to the Pop and R&B genre. He is coined the genius behind the New Jack Swing phenomenon of the late 1980’s. Keith Sweat’s timely transition to the R&B mecca of Atlanta in 1992 added “label impresario” to his roster of talents. Keith has dominated the Pop and R&B worlds with an indefinable presence. His debut and now classic album Make It Last Forever sold more than three million copies, producing four R&B hit singles, including “I Want Her,” which also landed at #5 on the Pop charts. The album stats also include a nomination for the 1989 Soul Train Best R&B/Urban Contemporary Song of the Year award. Keith Sweat has delivered five straight #1 albums, selling a worldwide total of 25 million records. His self-titled 1996 effort, Keith Sweat, gained quadruple platinum status. His critically acclaimed collaboration with fellow superstars Gerald Levert and Johnny Gill on the double-platinum LSG, was launched a decade after he first landed in the music business.
×Fri, Oct 8, 2021 8:00pm
38 Special
38 Special
Friday, October 8, 2021 8:00pm

This event has been rescheduled to October 8, 2021.

Tickets for the previous dates will be honored. If you would like a refund, they can be found at the point of purchase.
After more than four decades together, 38 SPECIAL continues to bring a signature blast of Southern Rock to over 100 cities a year. And at each and every show, thousands of audience members are amazed by the explosive power of the band’s performance.
Their many Gold and Platinum album awards stand in testament to the endurance of a legendary powerhouse.
With sales in excess of 20 million, most associate the band with their arena-rock pop smashes, “Hold On Loosely,” “Rockin’ Into the Night,” “Caught Up in You,” “Fantasy Girl,” “If I’d Been the One,” “Back Where You Belong,” “Chain Lightnin’,” “Second Chance,” and more – Timeless hits that remain a staple at radio, immediately recognizable from the first opening chord, and paving the way to their present-day touring regimen.
Guitarist/vocalist DON BARNES says it’s all about maintaining that intensity in their live shows. “We never wanted to be one of those bands that had maybe gotten a little soft or complacent over the years. We’re a team, and it’s always been kind of an unspoken rule that we don’t slack up, we stack up. We go out there every night to win.”
Completing the team is bassist BARRY DUNAWAY, drummer GARY MOFFATT and keyboardist/vocalist BOBBY CAPPS. The most recent addition to the band is legendary virtuoso guitarist and vocalist JERRY RIGGS. For 38 Special onstage, it is a celebration of camaraderie and brotherhood, a precision unit bringing the dedication and honesty to a long history of classic songs, as well as surprisingly fresh new material.
Since 1976, the band has released more than 15 albums. And from the start, they’ve toured relentlessly, bringing their signature brand of ‘muscle and melody’ to fans worldwide.