Craps Board Layout
- The Names of the Positions at Craps. By Billy the Kid. Craps tables are of course divided in two halves each serviced by a 'base dealer'. The bets are booked and placed according to where a player is standing. To find out how and when the bets are paid please go to the odds and edges section on the front page.
- Layout the kerf lines 1' apart ( ' or 3/4' makes a smoother turn but is a lot more work). Use a straight edge guide to cut the kerfs with a hand circular saw or a radial arm saw. The radial arm saw, if you have one, makes the job much easier.
Craps Basics: The Table
Casino Game Supplies offers craps layouts for personal and professional use. Choose from a variety of standard craps layouts or let us help you design your own custom craps layout.
When you walk into a casino, you can usually spot the craps tables by the raucous crowds gathered around them. Just in case you happen in at a quiet time, just look for the long, usually green, tables with at least four casino workers standing around them. Here's the rundown on what to expect.
The Table
The craps table is covered in felt that is printed with a diagram showing the spaces for the types of bets. There is a center section where Hardways and One Roll bets can be placed. The ends of the table each have sections for the Pass Line, Come, Place, Field, and other bets. The ends of the table are mirror images of each other.

Craps Board Layout
Usually, the felt layout is green with white lettering, but sometimes casinos use other colors.