Ets2 Mirror Slots
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Changes v1.8.5:
Updapted to 1.39
- Added new Kelsa tuning
- Fixed few bugs
Changes v1.8.4:
- Fixed lampmask on kelsa chassisbar bumpers
Changes v1.8.3:
- 1.37 fixes including FMOD
- Added Low Fenders
- fixed a few things

Tweaked slots for horns (rotate a bit up, so horns do not intersect cabin). Documents Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod. It was tested on 1.31.Xs.
In this pack you will find
Aero Slots for all chassis/cab combos
- Kelsa Lobar SL9 & SL12 Painted
- Kelsa Multibar XL Chrome and Painted
- Kelsa BakBar High and Low Mount with accessory slots and optional Worklamps (Reverse)
- Kelsa AirBar - 4 options plus slots
- 5th Wheel Covers - 4 options
- Mirror Slots for Painted UK/EU Mirrors (NOT MG Luxury as it's paid DLC)
A whole host of small lights and strobes by Mohegan
- Selected accessories from my older mods
List of skinning ACC codes for painted parts
- Light Pack adding support file.
Download Parts & Tuning mods for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Headlight, Engines, Transmissions, etc. Use link shortener to make money online. We pay for each visit to your short link. This is Angel’s save game for ETS2 new version – Divine champion, level 20138, rating 10/10, It will help you for learning many t. – An alternative arrangement of slots in the cabin for the dashboard – Side lights (slots, stripes in chrome and black) – Racks behind the cab – Beacons – Dual exhaust pipes – Sun visor with Volvo logo – Side skirt “without plastic” Credits: Tom Dooley, Adaptation for ETS2 by Alexander1986 (v1.35.x).
Credits: Solutech, Many thanks to Mohegan,GTMike,Obelihnio
If you find any stolen/fake mod on this website, please use Report button in red color. We will take action as soon as possible.यदि आपको इस वेबसाइट पर कोई भी चोरी / नकली मोड मिल रहा है, तो कृपया लाल रंग में रिपोर्ट बटन का उपयोग करें। हम जल्द से जल्द कार्रवाई करेंगे।
ഈ വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ മോഷ്ടിച്ച / വ്യാജ മോഡുകൾ കണ്ടെത്തിയാൽ, ചുവപ്പ് നിറത്തിലുള്ള റിപ്പോർട്ട് ബട്ടൺ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക. ഞങ്ങൾ എത്രയും വേഗം നടപടിയെടുക്കും.
Ets2 Mirror Slots Games
இந்த இணையதளத்தில் ஏதேனும் திருடப்பட்ட / போலி மோட் இருப்பதைக் கண்டால், தயவுசெய்து சிவப்பு நிறத்தில் அறிக்கை பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும். விரைவில் நடவடிக்கை எடுப்போம்.

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Ets2 Mirror Slots App
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Source Google Translate.