Ffxiv Best In Slot Bard
Op there says its not stat weights, but if almost every item has crit in it, its going to be high enough to become the best stat. I just picked every crit item. This is a comprehensive guide aimed towards players entering endgame for the first time and getting overwhelmed with the amount of content to unlock and/or gear progression. This guide will help you get an understanding of how FFXIV’s endgame systems work, as well as how to gear up and what types of endgame PvE content exist.
While Bard isn't exactly big on changes, I figured a more recent guide to start wouldn't hurt. Will be posting other post 2.1 guides over the coming weeks! My Best in Slot Set for Coil: http. BARD GEAR (BEST IN SLOT PRE Binding Coil of Bahamut) Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last. Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of 23. FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE.
Bard is one of the classes in Final Fantasy Tactics (FFT). There are a ton of classes in FFT and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which is the right one. Which skills and abilities are good? Which classes are good? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Final Fantasy Tactics Bard Class.
- Final Fantasy Tactics Class Guides:
Squire – Chemist – Knight – Archer – Thief – Monk – Geomancer – Dragoon – Ninja – Samurai – Dark Knight – White Mage – Black Mage – Time Mage – Mystic – Summoner – Orator – Bard – Dancer– Arithmetician – Mime – Onion Knight
Final Fantasy Tactics (FFT)
Final Fantasy Tactics Bard Quick FAQ
How do you unlock the Bard class in Final Fantasy Tactics?
Bard requires Summoner level 5 and Orator level 5 to unlock.
How much total JP does it take to master the Bard class in Final Fantasy Tactics?
What kind of stat growths does the Bard class offer in Final Fantasy Tactics?
The Bard class gains extremely bad stat growths in every category.

What kind of skills does the Bard class learn in Final Fantasy Tactics?
The Bard class learns a variety of songs that grant minor buffs and healing to all allies each time the Bard’s turn comes up.
Stat Growths – Final Fantasy Tactics Bard
Ffxiv Best In Slot Crafter

(Lower is better)
HP: 20 MP: 20 SPD: 100 PA: 80 MA: 50
Bard is somewhat famous for having the worst stat growth in the game. If you want to be level 99 with terrible stats, level your character up as a Bard.
Moveset: Bardsong – Final Fantasy Tactics Bard
Bard’s moveset is… not very good. Each of these skills fires off every round and affects all allies regardless of range, which is nice, but it has a 50% miss chance that can’t be boosted in any way. Some of the effects are fairly potent (+1 PA, random buffs, Quick, etc), but keep in mind that you’re sacrificing an entire character in order to achieve them; the Bard can’t take any other actions while singing.
Ffxiv Best In Slot Dragoon
Reaction Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Bard
Magick Boost increases MA by 1 every time you get hit. In essence, that’s not so bad if you have a character focused on magic damage, but you have to give up Reflexes/Shirahadori in order to get it and magic-focused characters tend to be more fragile than physically focused characters already. Faith Boost is the same thing but… you don’t want high faith. This skill makes your character worse, permanently, every time you get hit.
Support Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Bard
Bard has no unique Support Abilities so there’s nothing to discuss here.
Movement Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Bard
Move +3 is basically the only reason you’d want to unlock and grind within the Bard class. It’s roughly tied with Teleport as the best-in-slot Movement skill. Fly, the single most expensive skill in the game, is not useful at all. It gives you the same benefit as Ignore Height and lets you ignore terrain hazards but… Teleport also gives those benefits and increases your movement range and only costs ~10% the amount of JP.
Final Fantasy Tactics Bard Overall Assessment
Bard is pretty much only useful because of Move +3. Beyond that, there’s really not much value in unlocking Bard or using it in battle, especially because it’s a male-only class in a game where male units have lower natural MA than female units.
That about covers it for the Final Fantasy Tactics Bard Class. Be sure to check out the Games Section for more content like this and click here for more game guides related to FFT.
Ffxiv Bard Best In Slot
Final Fantasy Tactics Class Guides:
Squire – Chemist – Knight – Archer – Thief – Monk – Geomancer – Dragoon – Ninja – Samurai – Dark Knight – White Mage – Black Mage – Time Mage – Mystic – Summoner – Orator – Bard – Dancer– Arithmetician – Mime – Onion Knight